
By mar

Difficulties increase the nearer we approach the g

Difficulties increase the nearer we approach the goal.
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Another busy Dixon day with work/school. Charlotte has been worried about her friend Megan so I arranged for her to come over after school. Megan and Charlotte have a unique bond together as they both have faced/are facing surgery and medical issues. Megan has recently had surgery on her eyes which left her out of school for a few weeks and she has more surgery scheduled. Charlotte's work starts next week and will be on-going for the next year.

Before getting home, they talked me into stopping at the park for an hour. Luckily, I always carry a book with me but never had time to read it as there were too many parents that wanted to 'socialize.' I just kept thinking 'Do they not see my book and my avoiding eye contact?' but you talk and be nice because it's expected. Apparently.

I love this photo as it was a real team-effort on them both getting on the 'thing' (like an upside down see-saw). As Charlotte is an only child, she often misses the opportunity to learn how to work these things. That, and she's clumsy.

Afterwards we had a relax night as it was too hot to do anything else.

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