Davids Photos

By davyatsea

Mummys Treat for the Boys!

Its the weekend... Yippee!!
Its a lovely hot summers day... Yipee!!
We've done our sport and fitness for the day.... Yipee!!
Olivers found a park to play in.... Yipee!!
I've been allowed out to play with the camera.... Yipee!!

So, when Emma disappeared for a few minutes, I was somewhat concerned.
Was she off for some more sport and fitness, a jog round the park perhaps?
Was she off for a sly look round the shops while no-one was looking...?
No, she was off for a nice treat for me and Oliver. You can no doubt guess the joyous reaction from Oliver as he tried his best to stop the icecream from melting over himself!!
Emma didn't buy herself an ice cream - good job as Oliver didn't manage a whole cone. Her reward for watching me and Oliver stuff our faces - a look round Matalan for some ornaments for the garden!!

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