Hoppy Days

By hoppydays


Wow, it's been hot today! Kerr hasn't really napped all day, probably because his bedroom is too hot, and he has a horrible cold. He is now sleeping soundly, in just his vest, with the fan on in his room.

We had a lovely day. Granny and Grandad popped over to visit us this morning, and my brother cut the grass and tidied the garden for us, seeing as how kerrsdaddy is incapacitated.

This afternoon, Kerr and I went to visit Gran and Grandpa. They had their paddling pool out, so Kerr had his first paddle, then a go on their swing, before a BBQ for dinner. Cousins Abigail and Lucy were there too, so it was a fun filled afternoon.

Kerrsdaddy is now away to a friend's house to play (one handed) poker, and to watch the football. I'm enjoying a Magners with ice, and a piece of mars bar crispy cake which I took a notion to make. Yum!

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