Emily L. J. Boyd

By eljb

10 Days of Cloud Cover

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Too hot for my liking!

Plus new fishes today, 6 neons & 2 mollies. Still not sure I feel about having fish, they're very pretty, but they're definitely more demanding that cats. Which sounds odd, but believe me, we'e had 4 cats for the best part of 16 years. Though now it's just Mini. Plus, cats love you! You get some affection back, the most we get from the fish is when I feed them in the mornings 2 of them come right to the top of the tank...although we think one of them has a float bladder infection or something so we've got to switch foods now too. Forget fish, get cats, they deal with themselves bar feeding, watering & petting.

Decided to do a series of clouds up until my 25 birthday. 10 days to go!

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