Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Another pooja night

I had taken some completely terrible shots of flowers in the yard this morning and was desperately planning something for the evening when my husband reminded me we had a pooja to attend tonight.

I was so glad for something different to photograph, and the boys were ready to get out of the house. The weather has been less than exciting for playing outside, so they were happy to visit with family.

My oldest brought his tripod and intended on borrowing my little Canon Powershot. He has his 'own' blipfoto journal now that I manage for him. He took some fun shots tonight with the ISO cranked to 1600 so he didn't annoy the room of people constantly flashing. He chose the name of his journal since I told him he couldn't use his real name. He has a thing for Snoopy.

The festivities were lovely, and I do enjoy pooja's at this home because they have a lot of space. This shot is straight from the camera because it's late, and I'm too tired to mess around with it in Photoshop.

Definitely best viewed in large.

Here are a few other shots I took:

My second favorite of the night

An aunty relaxing in the light

My handsome husband ready to play dholak

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