
By cracker


Another lovely day today! Blue skies but quite windy so a bit chilly! We went and visited Aunty Kay this morning for a couple of hours, came home and had lunch (Mum's yummy sausage rolls!) then Spence had his sleep. We had planned on then going to visit Pop and then Nana, then going home. Spence slept for three and a half hours though so didn't wake up until 4.30! By the time we had packed up and were ready to go, it was after 5 so we decided to just visit Pop.

This was Spence playing outside Mum and Dad's house, he loves the kittens and the chooks and we took his scooter down with us this time. Mum knitted this jumper for him and after him telling us that it was 'too big', he let us put it on him and it looks great!

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