this luminous life.

By Laura



I was going to use this picture, but it was too similar to this one from month ago. Here is another from today. I like the double vision. And driving pictures in general :-)


It was absolutely wonderful being behind the wheel tonight. It's only been a month since I've driven a car, which isn't insanely long, but it was really nice being behind the wheel of a car that had traveled less than 300 miles... with a functioning radio and air conditioning!! And when I turned on the radio, it was a song that I knew, which was great.... and even better, it was the type of radio that could display the name of the song playing, which is fabulous! I had forgotten how nice it is to go for a drive, especially when you need to clear your head and just smile. I am going to look forward to these weekly trips of me and a car.

I went to the Salvation Army tonight to hang out at the Teen Center.
I really enjoyed myself, and I'm excited to go back.
I'll edit this post with more details tomorrow if I feel like it.
I'm too tired right now. :-)

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