
By Jillybean

New Shoes Hurt Some Feet

I got new shoes and I love them more then my old new shoes. Which I didn't think would be possible since I really loved the shoes. I had a warranty on them and they were getting old and falling apart so I brought them back and got these new shoes... And stupid Sports Authority took away my old shoes. I'm shocked and hurt. I can't believe they took them. Sigh =[

After getting over that I went to play tennis with Anthony Darling (in my new shoes of course.). I'm not the best tennis player so going up against him wasn't fair. If we had played real games I'm sure he would have won. But we didn't we just volleyed so there are no winners here. =] Very fun though...even getting drenched in water. 5days<3

"For once in my life, I don't have to pretend to be happy. It just happens when I?m with you."

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