Art Miller

By artmiller

Wheat Free!

For fifteen years I was crippled with what the doctors told me was IBS. It gradually got so bad that leaving the house was a worry: How far away was the nearest loo?

One day my wife suggested I try eliminating wheat from my diet. Overnight I was 95% cured -- and have never looked back! Why we didn`t think of it before I just have no idea. And I`m furious with all those specialists and consultants I saw who simply told me to go away and live with IBS. Why are they not at least telling people to try cutting wheat out of their diet? OK, won`t work for everyone, but it would have saved me years of suffering crippling stomach cramps and other things you don`t even want to know about...

So, it`s wheat free stuff for me. Some of it tastes like sawdust and almost all the wheat-free biscuits, cakes and bread taste like two-day-old dried nappies -- but some of it -- see blip-- is quite tasty.

Perhaps I`d been overdoing the wheat in my diet. I loved cakes and bread. But now I`ve found I can eat rye & spelt bread. The spelt wheat flour hasn`t been so highly processed as that put in most breads.

So, vegetarian and wheat-free equals bags of energy and a trouble-free digestive system.



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