Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra


I have recently been giving my darling daughter some grief for not reaching her KPI of sitting up.

It would seem that was unfair.

Whilst we were away I suddenly noticed Lyra sitting perfectly whilst playing with Daddy. I was amazed, utterly excited and told Daddy he was a genius to get her sitting for the first time.

To which he replied 'For the first time? She's been able to do this for days...'

Shows what careful attention mummy pays eh!

This is not a great picture but captures a lovely moment which is becoming a familiar feature of our daily lives.. Lyra in a perfect blip position - in this case sitting beautifully - then out comes the camera and out shoots a grubby little baby paw eager to play with it!

She was sitting very well just moments before. Honest gov.

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