Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

I wanna hold your hand....

Poor wee puss is recovering from a surprise visit to the vets today. We had to take him in for tests this morning and he needed to be knocked out so when we brought him home this afternoon he was a bit disorientated to say the least. He's also managed to get his whiskers clipped on his right side (must have been when they shaved under his chin to take some blood) and a pedicure so what with that and the groggy dizziness he's quite confused.

He spent a really long time staggering about meowing at us and only quietened down when he was picked up and cuddled. Not a very happy cat today :(
However he settled down for a bit of sleep next to me a wee while ago and for some reason always seems to find it comforting to have a paw held - honestly, this isn't just me being a sad owner, he actually puts his paw in the palm of my hand for me to hold. Bless!

They are pretty sure its diabetes, still got another result to come in but it does look that way. Which is good really, I think, because we can treat that quite simply with insulin jags and hopefully he'll be right as rain and gaining weight again soon :o)

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