pictures wot i took

By antlersandall


Doris joined our family in 2005, in the summer when we took the then 18 month old Son One (or Only Son as was!) for his first camping holiday. We spent the first night at Blackmore near Malvern.

Doris and some of her chums were merrily bobbing in the fire bucket outside a neighbouring campervan. Son One became a little obsessed with playing with them, and the kindly folk let him keep one as his very own :-)

I don't know why we did it, but for some reason we stuck her on the aerial of the car. She didn't seem to like The Husband's Focus though - spent every trip knocking in the roof to be let in for some reason. So when I got Hermione for my 30th in June 2006, she was duly transferred to an aerial in a more relaxed position (and with a more relaxed driver ;-)).

Some would say she's out of place. She's done over 10,000 miles with us now though, so I disagree!

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