Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Puppy Love...

'Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole' - Roger Caras

Kerr absolutely adores Fudge - I'm sure the feeling is mutual, but the more mobile Kerr becomes, the more Fudge scarpers to behind the sofa, under the table etc to get away from Kerr's grabbing little fingers! However, if I arrive home and open the door without Kerr in my arms, Fudge runs to the car and jumps about at the car door where Kerr's seat is, and won't settle until he knows his baby is safe inside the house. It really is very sweet how Fudge has formed an attachment to our new(ish) family member.

Kerrsdaddy has been in lots of pain again today with his broken collar bone and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. Tomorrow morning we are going to the shoulder clinic, so hopefully will get some answers, and at the very least, some more strong painkillers!

I took Kerr to the baby clinic today, and he was 19lbs 6oz (!!). He has gained 26oz in the past month. In the previous month he only gained 6oz. Chubby :-))

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