All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Crumble Bear

One of my friends gave Ethan this as a present when he was born. Up until now he hasn't shown much interest in it but has now discovered how lovely and soft it is and takes great pleasure in grabbing it and sucking it!

Such a shame it doesn't send him to sleep though. After the elation of his sleeping through the night last week, the past 2 nights have been hellish. It has been like having a newborn again as he has woken 3 times for a feed during the night.

Saturday night wasn't quite so bad as at least he went back to sleep again fairly quickly but last night was the worst for months. Having gone to sleep at 8.30pm he woke at 12.30am and took an hour to settle, was then awake again at 2.30am and took ages to settle again and then woke again at 4.30am and wouldn't settle at all. Even when he does settle, it takes me much longer to get back to sleep and I was really struggling to cope with him by the time he was crying at 5am. After I'd fed him, hubbie ended up having to get up with him to give me a break.

I just felt like I was getting by on autopilot all day long - I was so tired I could hardly even think properly half the day. The only time he slept was at 9am and I then had to wake him 45 minutes later as we had an appointment for Obi at the vets. After that, Ethan wouldn't sleep at all, even when I ended up driving down to The Centre with him in the afternoon. This usually does the trick but he only dozed for 15 minutes and then was wide awake, and threw a tantrum which only settled when I took him out the pram and carried him. I've not yet got the knack of pushing a buggy with 1 hand whilst carrying an upset baby in the other round a shopping centre - much harder than it looks!

I think it might have been the heat which has upset him. As it's slightly cooler tonight, I really hope he sleeps better. Touch wood!

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