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Busy kind of day doing nothing. Managed to be waylaid by a friend this morning and spend the whole morning drinking a cup of tea and chatting. Can hardly call that a waste of a morning though. Then some Brownies admin, some Parent Council admin, writing a little poster for school. Oh, and telling Conor that we're moving from the only home he's ever had. Mr B seemed a little surprised at the brusque way I told him. But I knew his tears would last only until I produced the Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver from behind my back. Now he's fine about moving. And inseparable from his screwdriver!
This is a kind of last minute shot, ably assisted by Mr B holding the backdrop. As he'd helped I gave him the choice of shot. He chose this one. I disagreed. Is it bad that I told him he was right and am actually posting the other shot? Probably. But then he never reads my blips so I think I'm safe.
And he's just tucking into a piece of the best brownies I've ever made. So he's happy, I'm happy and we'll be concluding missives tomorrow* (I'm told).
And thanks to Mo who provided today's prop. Beautiful flowers. And cue for an amusing conversation with Mr B about what they were called. Reminded me of the 'Who's on first' conversation. Perhaps you had to be there.
*equivalent of signing contract to sell house in Scotland.
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