Fear & Loathing

By McDawg


i've taken quite a lot of pics today and my other half even took a few. i was tempted to go with one of her shots but then thought feck it, its my blip and should therefore be my pic.
so what to choose? i guess the only point worth mentioning today was that i saw Pete Waterman near waterloo. not really that exciting and there were too many witnesses about so i couldn't thank him for Rick Astley. i know there are far more crimes to add to his list but that one sticks out quite a lot for me. the pics i took of him weren't that great either and i wanted something more colourful today and not a portrait as they have featured quite heavily in my recent blips.
so tonight we have pens, on loan from the lexie gallery.
hopefully something more to do with "light & shadows" tomorrow (DIY permitting)

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