mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Sleepy sausage

Mr Mono had the day off work today as we needed to get on top of a few bits and pieces. We were up early and at the Gyle shopping centre at 9.30am! Aidan didn't have his morning nap today, I think daddy being at home confused him! We had a coffee in Starbucks and Aidan had a breadstick, they are his new favourite thing. He ate it very neatly and managed not to choke too! Clever boy!

We rushed around the shops doing various errands. Then it was home for Aidan's lunch and mummy's Pilates. It was nice going to Pilates without Aidan today as the class kind of gets in the way of his lunch and nap. When I got home Mr Mono and I had lunch and a wee relax before Aidan woke up.

Gran and Grumpa came over for a wee visit tonight. Mr Mono has set them up with Skype so they can see Aidan even when they are not able to pop over. Aidan was very entertaining and full of smiles tonight. He had his usual nightly bounce in the bouncer! This, of course, tired him out. A wee bit later to his bath tonight but he was fine once he was in. He got a little upset getting his jammies on but after his milk promptly fell asleep and started snoring in the above position.

Now it's off to Zumba for me!

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