Art Miller

By artmiller

Final Resting Place...

My wife and I have decided that never again will we have a pet.

Although they bring you years of joy this pain when they die is unbearable.

Sophie our nineteen year old cat has been unwell for a couple of weeks. Her condition deteriorated fast over the last few days. But taking her to the vet was a terrible prospect. A task I have done so many times before. Each time the pain is like a knife in your heart. But today I had to take her...

We rescued Sophie eight years ago as her RAF owners were posted abroad. It took her some years to get used to us and to get to like us. But her affection was worth waiting for and we grew to love her in turn.

Every morning when I got up at four or five am to work on my computer she would jump on my lap and sit there asleep for two hours. Little did she know that as she was comfortable and contented so was I, warmed by her gentle purring presence.

I will miss her so much...

Rest in peace, little cat. Thankyou for sharing your life with us.


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