Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Ready but not so steady...

Lyra first got up on all fours a couple of weeks ago and she took three 'steps' but she's not done it again ... until today. Today, getting up on all fours is the trick of the day. Yesterday's trick of the day was tapping everything. Tap tap tap. I have no idea if the two are linked?

The photo is terrible but it captured a special part of Lyra's development - moments after this was taken she went SPLAT! She thought this was hilarious and squealed with delight.

Tomorrow our four day fostering / adoption assessment starts. (Lyra's cousin who was born in March has been taken into care so Tom and I have offered a home). This is a process that normally takes about 8 months and we're doing it between now and Sunday so I'm not sure how much blipping there will be - but I will try!

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