Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Full of mischief

Kerr has been hard work this week. I'm hoping it's just a phase he's going through! He is constantly in at cables, wires, plugs, my hair straighteners, phones, remote controls. Boy am I glad we got a play pen! Even trying to change his nappy is tricky - he flips over onto his front and wriggles away as soon as I lay him on the changing mat. I am spending most of the day chasing him around trying to get him changed or dressed! It doesn't help that kerrsdaddy is unable to assist due to his sore shoulder. This photo was taken at dinner time - after Kerr had thrown his toy steering wheel, cup of water and lots of scrambled egg on the floor. At this rate, I'm sure his first proper word is going to be 'no!' Or 'eh eh eh!!' He definitely knows what No means, and often looks at me before going in to touch a cable or plug, but is obviously too young to be able to stop himself doing it - it's like he is having an internal battle with himself!

This evening I went for a lovely swim. I've been feeling very lazy recently, and it was great to get out and do something for myself, I must try and do it more often. I only managed 30 lengths this time, but will hopefully build up to 50 or 60 in a week or two. I'm not trying to lose any weight now, but really need to tighten up the old jelly belly and arms a bit!

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