Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Going down to Rosedale

(Written yesterday while still in a muck sweat and decidedly grubby, but the picture was taken this morning......honest!)

This old street sign hasn't seen the light of day for about 15 years, round about the time when the ivy in the back yard made it's first bid for world domination. Let's just say the ivy has had a radical prune (as in a full skip load!) and only time will tell whether it lives to fight another day. The road sign has a bit of personal history, it was liberated from a pile of rubble when Rosedale Terrace in Sandyford/Newcastle was demolished decades used to adorn the outside wall of the rented student house (a la 'Young Ones') where I started to learn about 'life in the raw' in the 70's. It's shot at an angle for a reason (and not necessarily 'artistic'), a little reminder that it was a house with NO right angles.....if you dropped something and couldn't immediately find it, a couple of days later whateverit was would gravitate to the lowest corner of the room along with balls of dust and mouse droppings......ah yes, happy days!

(ps....the title is a line from Crossroads......that's Cream, not the soap!)

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