Mallinson's Randoms

By yummymummy1976

It's all just a blur!

I apologise for today's very blurry blip. This is what comes of not being organised. Today is my sister-in-law's birthday and whilst I had many many opportunities to photograph, the beautifully wrapped present, the contents of the beautifully wrapped present and the other sparkly accompaniments that went with said present, I took none of these opportunities preferring instead to panic at the last minute when we were just about to drive away from my sister-in-law's house and grab this not very happy with view.

It is a view of the local hospital where I work taken from the other side of town which should have come out far better than this. In case you've not already worked it out i'm not very happy with this blip at all but decided anything is better than a blank calendar square lol.

Must try harder and promise to tomorrow!

Comment added on 26/05/10 - Clearly didn't try harder as managed to take precisely nothing to upload today!

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