mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Ta Da!

Now that he can hold his own bottle I just need to get him to learn to drink from a cup instead of a bottle! Poor baby, he's just expected to learn new things all the time!

I was in work today with Aidan, just visiting. I actually forgot I was going in today until 10pm last night! Lol! It was nice to go in and say hi. I haven't been in with Aidan since January so he has changed quite a lot. Had my lunch in the canteen too! Aidan has been a bit fussy with his food this week but he happily took his food from L today! Must just be mummy's technique!! Not long now till I go back. Definitely mixed feelings on this.

We didn't do much this afternoon bit of house work and some playing. Mr Mono was late home from work so we had a chippie for tea, terrible I know!!

We've been using Skype a lot with the family at the moment. Everyone wants to see baby Aidan. My mum had phoned to see if she could see Aidan in the door bouncer but it was actually Aidan's bath time. So we got the laptop and the camera in the bathroom so she could see him. What a mess! Aidan thought splashing would be a really good idea. Hmmm...not sure we'll Skype bath time again! Bit too messy! Lol!

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