Lozier Photo Journal

By JLoz

"Big Girl Bed"

Grace went from sleeping in a crib into a "big girl bed" today, after an eventful night last night last night.

At about 1:30 AM she was spooked by something (bad dream, shadow, who knows...) and climbed out of her crib and knocked on her door until I went and got her. This was the second time that she's climbed out of her crib and I was hoping that after I calmed her down and put her back in her crib to sleep she'd fall asleep and we'd be all set. As you might guess by now, things didn't end up playing out that way...

After I calmed he down and left her in he room she proceeded to climb out two more times and would not calm down unless I slept on the floor next to her crib for the night which I ended up doing (sigh). Long story short, Amanda and I finally decided to "concert" her crib into a toddler bed today, bought her some new bedding to make it a fun event, and ultimately ended up with what you see in the picture above.

Grace had a successful nap in it this afternoon after putting up a bit of a stink and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tonight... :)

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