...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Not Led Zeppelin...

This airship/zeppelin is the largest airship it is 15 feet longer than a Boeing 747 and is 50 feet longer than the largest blimp.

On Monday, May 24, 2010, Airship Ventures, owners and operators of The Farmers Airship, the Zeppelin Eureka, announced that on Tuesday May 25, 2010, the world's largest airship will attempt to break the world distance record for a modern airship. Flying between Airship Ventures home base, the historic Airship Hangars at Moffett Field in the San Francisco Bay Area, and Brown Field in San Diego, the Farmers Airship will cover 459.3 miles, breaking the standing Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) record previously held by a Russian team by 70.2 miles. As you can see, I shot this from work, in San Diego, so they did it!!!

This is a historical shot! Too bad it is just so far away!!! But you get the 'picture'...lol!!!!

I am taking tomorrow off, gonna go practice portrait photography with 'real' photographers in Balboa Park, looking forward to it. Gonna get SKOOL'D!!!

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