
By LadyFindhorn

More to the Point

Despite a rather cool and chilly westerly breeze, there was promise of later warmth as I pedalled my way up to the Braids before breakfast.

It was the most glorious of mornings. The sky was uniformly blue, with the sun well risen and hanging above the chimneys of Cockenzie Power Station. In the distance , North Berwick Law was silhouetted against the horizon and the sunlight glinted over the Forth in front and on the nearby roof tops of Nether Liberton.
To the north, the hills of Fife and beyond stood out clearly, and all the little villages along it's coast were visible.

The horses at Tower Farm were enjoying the sun on their backs as they stood still in the lee of the hedges and only the sheep and rabbits were busy grazing.
Braid Hill Golf Course was highlighted in a uniform fresh green with here and there long shadows cast by the trees.

I was invited to a 'ladies who coffee morning' gathering today in a supposedly down sized apartment of a friend who moved a few months ago from a somewhat larger castle than ours.

The floor space in the new palace was quite possibly the size of one and a half football pitches with rooms full of antiques, pictures and sundry collections, all beautifully presented. While I really loved it and the views were amazing, it confirmed in my mind that our little Dower House was what I would rather have, with fewer room, less space and freedom from the burden of possessions.

Just as well, as that is what I will have.

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