Colin Parte

By ColinParte

Empty Pockets

Following a particularly long and stressful day, I decided I need to eat some rubbish food, and I did. This is the sign outside Eddie Rocket's in Drogheda, or as some of the locals call it, Empty Pockets, as it can be a little expensive!
Rubbish, but rather tasty of course. Smokestack burger with some bacon and two onion rings along with some relish and mayo. Bad boy!
Eddie's is a 50's American Diner-themed restaurant, which remains popular despite the prices. It was pretty full when I was there.
I had thought of going to see Robin "Gladiator" Hood this evening, but my feet feel like they are broken, so it's a DVD in bed - just for a change.
Might make to Dublin tomorrow for Bizcamp, might not! At the moment, a lie-in, a Blip and a few pints of Guinness might be more appropriate.

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