Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Anniversary's Eve

Tomorrow is the DAY!

We were married again on our 10th anniversary. Did it again on our 20th anniversary, so for our 30th we went on a honeymoon.

Five Years ago, on our 40th, we celebrated by, yes you guessed it, by having a wedding. I was concerned that I was too old to wear a wedding dress. Then I decided that I really didn't give a rip! I wasn't allowed to wear white at our wedding years ago, so I dressed as a bride!

As all can see from this week's blips, we love weddings, anniversaries, and vow renewals. So five years ago we decided to slaughter the piggy bank and have a fun and fancy celebration.

We cut corners every way possible on the ceremony (I found the dress on eBay). We skipped the huge florist expense by only ordering a few boutonnieres, a couple coursages, and three long-stem roses for me. I stepped into the sanctuary during the first few chords of "Here Comes the Bride." Then the music stopped and Mr. Fun was supposed to walk the aisle with my three lavender roses, then give them to me, and escort me back to the front of the building. When the music stopped, he stood there frozen. It was the longest pause I think I can ever remember as we stood there staring at each other from opposite ends of the aisle. Once he came to his senses, he walked toward me and the rest of the ceremony went just as planned.

The big focus was on the celebration after the ceremony. We had rented two 48-passenger buses and reserved the banquet room at our favorite restaurant, Orange Hill. More than anything we wanted to celebrate with our friends. The meal was delicious. The DJ was terrific. The evening was delightful. That anniversary will be a highlight for the two of us for the remainder of our lives.

Tomorrow we will celebrate quietly, but we will celebrate. And honestly, you're the only ones who know. We're 90 minutes from home, on the coast in North San Diego County. Tomorrow's early evening will be special. We're both planning to say "I do!" There won't be any special music, no close friends or family. Just two soulmates who still pinch ourselves because we can hardly believe we found each other way back when -- when he was not going to marry me; when my mom and step-dad were going to send me to a home for unwed-mothers; when, in an instant, our lives changed and we became Mr. & Mrs.

We're big fans of marriage--because it's worked for us. In our lives -- "two are better than one" -- has been immensely true. We do know that marriage isn't for everyone.

We agree with Steve & Cokie Roberts who so aptly expressed in their book about marriage, "We are better people together than we are separately."

Thanks for reading this far. Everyday this week, we've told some of our story. Honestly, Mr. Fun has been the biggest surprise of my life. I keep choosing him and tomorrow, I will do so again.

Good night for the coast of Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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