Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Lyra's New Wheels

Lyra's got some new wheels and she loves them. They are perfect for helping her wreak havoc at speeds and heights that were never possible before. These flowers suffered a little. (I stopped short of a blip of her eating them).

Her 'new' wheels are actually very much pre-loved, £3 well spent, though I have some Tescos vouchers which I might use to buy her a shiny new set with lights and things, though I'm not sure. I spent a lot of time telling our adoption assessor about how I very much enjoyed family time as a child and how my parents were always there and that the most fun we had was going to the beach or on our weekly adventures (for which read 'trekking miles through the Devon countryside without any clue of where we were!') and that the fun came from being together and enjoying each other rather than spending lots of money on the latest toys.

It just made me step back a moment and think about whether I really should buy Lyra so many toys. Then I decided I don't buy her toys instead of playing with her, I buy them as well. So I figure that makes it okay?...

But should I buy that walker... it has a removable DJ station, I'm sorely tempted!


On the off-chance anybody is interested, here's 4 minute featurette that my friend made of our wedding; I was watching it again this week after attending my friend's fabulous wedding and I thought one or two of you might enjoy it. I consider it a work of pure genius and will always treasure it.

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