CVB Photos

By cvbphotos

Collecting for the Paras

So I join Blipfoto and my trusty old Pentax goes on the blink! Dodgy electrical connection and the mode selector button seems to have senile dementia.

I found a place in town that would service it so handed it over - and walked out without a camera i.e. naked !! Fretted for a while - in and out of Jessops and then finally decided to plump for a camcorder. Nothing fancy - I had one a few years ago which was a hybrid VHS but with a digital picture facility and I had great fun with it.

This new Sony one operates in a similar fashion but everything has become so much smaller. It has an impressive 60x optical zoom but with only 3.1 megapixels it can't compete with a DSLR for quality. My old camcorder had a eyepiece and the very fact that it was braced against my eyebrow kept the thing steady - with this thing, I had to keep it nestled against my stomach or as with today's photo I sat on a seat and rested it on my leg while pointing at my subject.

And the subject - a proud old gentleman with a twinkle in his eye and a lovely smile - with a collection box for the Parachute Regimental Association.

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