Around town with Jenn

Jenn and I went to the Richmond Art Museum this afternoon. She is one of my two best friends and we met in art class believe it or not. So, she's a good one to wander around an art museum with and catch up.

It was a fantastic day. We jetted around with the top down together in her tiny little car...which conveniently is convertible for summer. We lounged outside at a cafe and sipped on wine on the sidewalk. We ate green curry and pad Thai noodles at one of my favorite resturants downtown. We even went to an outdoor music show down by the river and watched as a big old early summer thunderstorm flashed ominously on the horizon. By the time we made it back to her flat the sky burst in deluge. It was comforting to listen to the water pour down the gutters as we stayed up chatting till nearly 2 in the morning.

I've missed her.

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