The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox

Taking it s-l-o-w

Wandered out around 8pm to take some photos. Feels like a day of not doing much, yet with little time to spare. A snail crawling up a twisted knot of vines seemed to sum it up. I like the way the sun shines through the shell.

As I was walking around, I spotted a Chaffinch in a Rowan tree. Crouching down near bye, armed with my zoomy lens (technical term don't you know!) I waited 'till it came closer. By pure luck it settled about a metre away from me. I sat admiring it for a while before lifting up my camera to take a shot. As I did so, it was startled and flew away.

Naturally my reaction was irritation at missing what could have been a great shot... until i checked myself. Sometimes it is easy to just concentrate on capturing the moment rather than enjoying it. I think sometimes in a hurry to 'save' that moment, you forget to live it. I guess I should have been appreciative of the views I did get; memories I can keep, even if I can't show them to others. I think I'll remind myself of this more often and maybe set out with a slightly different aim and sense of achievement.

Just a thought.

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