A wee bit of this & that

By frayedattheedge

Saturday shopping

It doesn't matter the weather us weegies(*) will always go shopping. This is a view down Buchanan St after 6pm when I had finished work. By fluke the grey band of clouds you see at the top is just the way my picture came out I haven't cropped it but like the effect.

This afternoon I worked for the Open University graduations and it was lovely to be able to chat to some of the graduands before they received their papers. Most are older and have juggled famly, work and a lot of self doubt to get where to today. IUt's also taken them longer to get their degrees than those of us who went straight to university from school.

They came from all over the UK, one I spoke to had flown in from Greece (where she lives) and just got here with no thanks to French air traffic control strikes. Another got caught up in the M74 crash and had to add 4 hours and about 100 miles to her journey...she got there just after it started but naturally was allowed in.

This evening has baan a eurovision free zone. I kinda wanted to have a look at it but had so much to do at home I ddn't dare watch it.

Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

(*) Weegies = Glaswegians

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