When kittens turn into lions...

I really love these cats but OMG since I got back in today they have done nothing but try and climb onto me while I've been working at the computer - with their claws out. My legs had almost (but not quite) healed from their antics when they were younger, but back to square one I guess.

Spook hasn't been too bad, she generally keeps the clooks in, but Pogle is a complete monster. When he really wants something he does everything in his power to get it and if body parts get in the way that's just too bad.

Needless to say discipline was required and now he is very unhappy with me. He's sitting on top of the CD's making this awful grumpy meowing noise. Guess I'm not his best friend at the moment. Should go and rectify that I guess. After all, they probably just want a bit of attention and a cuddle.

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