Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Sunshine and lollipops

Well there was some sunshine, but no lollipops.

My littlest has come down with a cold, so the house only got about 3-4 hours of sleep last night. It's so hard when little ones get sick because they just don't know how to cope.

I bundled them both up and headed out in the yard for a bit this morning. I didn't want to keep them cooped up in the house all day, and it was really quite nice outside. It was a least 60 degrees (F), which is great for us on the coast.

I felt a little bad that my image and write up may have seemed a little harsh yesterday. Actually, the drama really was only for a moment, and then they were tip top soon after. No more tears and maybe still a bit moody.

I'm thinking of taking a nap myself actually. So I'm blipping early. :)

One more day of holiday to go! Woohoo!!

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