A Ginger's Life

By leviathan616

The Silver Surfer!

One of the most COSMIC good guys - The Silver Surfer!!
Born on the planet Zenn-La, his name was Norrin Radd. A scientist who learned the end of his planet and therefore his species!! (Of course everyone thought he was crazy as you would!!)
But he was right! The END of the world was indeed coming! In the form of a giant cosmic sentinel - GALACTUS - the Devourer of Worlds!! (Doesn't sound too good does it!?)

So - he did the honourable thing - went and pleaded Galactus to spare Zenn-La with his life (Litterally!!)
It worked! - Galactus has been wanting a herald for a wee while! (I think he was just getting bored, personally!!)
And then - voila! A little few bits of cosmic power and presto!! The Silver Surfer was born!!
Eventually he got out of his Masters control and he then roamed the Universe looking for his beloved planet Zenn - La! (Galactus had lost the planets coordinates as a punishment! A bit harsh I think but I'm not a cosmic GOD!! (Yet!!!!!)!

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