Major Silly Sausage

By SillySausage

Bagpipes and Doughnuts ... Special Report 6.

Brigadier Baggins, you know that, despite being a soldier committed to ensuring the safety of the realm through deeds of extraordinary bravery, guile and often fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants adventurism, I am first and foremost a Scots Guardsman and have never fully relinquished my ceremonial busby.

In between missions, Finlay's Daddy, along with Maj P, Maj AP and I volunteered to help and a kids 'fun-run' on the base. I reckon it was Finlay's Daddy's plan to scope what he might have in store for you in due course - you might want to pull rank, sir?!

Anyway, despite the disappointing turn out, Finlay's Daddy played the bagpipes, Maj P organised the troops and I stood to attention and inspected the parade! Imagine my surprise when I bumped into the Roadrunner?! He led the way round and helped the kids along the way.

All in all, a jolly good parade, despite starting at the ungodly hour of 0700!!

Mind you, those doughnuts never tasted so good after we'd finished!

Over and Out, sir.

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