Canny hide it

Lovely morning walk with Juno, she had a play with some dogs.

On the way up the hill I came across a baby rabbit in the grass, it was so calm I patted it and headed off. I warned a couple of dog owners about it in case their dog wnet for it. On the way home Juno spotted it and went for it, I had to take the wee thing out of her jaws, certainly made the bunny run when released unhurt.

Lazy walk into work listening to various podcasts.

Work was ok.

We are getting new flooring so I was lifting the old carpet, we found this coin.

The days of 0.5p stuff is long gone, I remember quavers were 2.5p as I got 4 packets for my 10p pocket money in the local shop. Matches were also 2.5p, the bluebell ones, I used to light fires up the local hill and back greens, used to get in trouble as the local shopkeeper would sell me the matches and then tell my mum I had bought them.

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