Phlox divaricata

Return to the four seasons. It's spring in the Northern hemisphere and I'm chasing it North.

Becca picked me up at the airport in Detroit this morning. Its been almost a year but again, I find myself in another familiar cycle returning to Michigan with the spring. We threw my things in the Voyageurs wood cabin down on the Huron river where she is staying and we caught up from a year gone by.

That night I called up some old friends still living in town. Nic and Bruno are still here plugging away at epic anthropology doctorates. Nic and I lived together in Peru and shared many adventures, including a few with Bruno who came down to visit. Jesse is now an organizer for the Clean Water Action Network in Ann Arbor. He is a grassroots campaigner which suits his outgoing personality perfectly I think. We worked on our thesis's together in Jamaica and spent many good and bad times navigating the vibes of that crazy island. So all in all, the five of us gathered tight around the table in my favorite old time pub in town and ahhhh (!) it couldn't be better.

Cheers to staying connected and to good friends...ohhh, and sorry I forgot the camera for the night but I did snap this shot of wild blue phlox growing by the river. Cheers to spring and wildflowers too!

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