A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Music Lesson

Nikki is showing her little Morgan a few tricks on the old piano that she took lessons on when she was four. I've been considering parting with this old piano and replacing it with a modern keyboard or small piano that takes up a lot less space (and sounds better). But seeing this makes me want to keep it forever.

We had a great time with Morgan sleeping over on Saturday night and then all the kids and grandkids spending the day yesterday. Morgan got to sleep over again with her parents on Sunday night. We had a leisurely quiet day today with Nikki & Ned & Morgan. They left this afternoon and I went out to weed my asparagus patch and move the compost pile, while my Taxman finished painting the chicken tractor barn red. The chicks will be shipped tomorrow and should arrive on Wednesday. I will then hop in the car and pick them up at the post office with emergency rations and a kind cuddle. I do hope their travels are not horrendous for the poor little peepers.

My Taxman and I took sandwiches out to the pond this evening and fished while we ate our meager, yet satisfying dinner. I really love fishing with my Taxman. He does everything for me except cast, which, by the way, I'm pretty good at. He carries my pole, baits my hook, and if a fish should decide to take my bait, he will gladly remove said fish and toss it back after I reel it in. It's the best of fishing, if you ask me. All I do is sit back and enjoy the scenery with my fingers crossed that I don't actually catch anything.

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