Gable Erratic

By MsGable


This is my attempt of a 100th seaweed blip on a rather breezy day on Big Sands near Gairloch. I have so enjoyed my 100 days here; it has given me new motivation to go out and look around me, and the encouragement and friendliness from fellow blippers has been wonderful. Hoping to meet local blipper Beth here sometime this week.

It's been a bit fraught. The internet connection has been almost non-existent as the dongle has let me down. But I am now at the wonderful Gairloch School Library and have a half hour session and so can load my 100th blip. Hurrah! And I've managed to buy three of their withdrawn library books.

The rest of my holiday photos may have to be back-blips as, pleasant though it is, I don't think I can spend the rest of my holiday in the Library!

Have a great day everyone!

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