Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Lyra the Princess

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When my sister and I were little girls, we had a most beautiful princess dress that we used to dress our dolls in. It had been my sister's when she was a baby. We thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world.

When Lyra was born, my sister bought her a dress that was a similar to the original princess dress as possible. When I told my mum she told me the lovely story behind the dress which I had never known. When my sister was a small baby, my mum asked my dad to go out and buy some clothes for her - my dad came back with nothing at all practical but instead just one princess dress which he thought would be perfect for his new daughter!

So here is Lyra in her princess dress - I had to take at least one picture of her wearing it that she can enjoy looking back at when she is dressing her dollies in it.

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