pictures wot i took

By antlersandall

The boy in the bubble

Son One in a swimming pool inside a giant inflatable hamster ball. In the pouring rain. As you do.

Ball courtesy of WaterWalkerz, title courtesy of Paul Simon (though you'll be pleased to note that while Son One was indeed the boy in the bubble today, Son Two does not have a baboon heart!).

Rare shot of the boy upright, as he was mostly on his hands and knees. The Husband took the mick a little too much and as such has been challenged to prove himself. I sensibly kept quiet (I'm not daft!).

In other news, Son Two had a check up today. 19lbs and 2ft 4in tall (long!). For you modern new-fangled peeps, that's 8.62 kg and 71cm. Progressing well (in everything but sleep. Grrr.).

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