Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

The green thing...

After a fab conversation with a good friend last night, which covered all kinds of "eco" territory, today also had it's fair share of sustainability chat.

Am lucky in that we have fantastic staff commitment to do the best we can at work, so all sorts of great ideas and enthusiasm coming through and big ambitions around what we should aim for.

And I've realised today that over the past year or so, my own behaviours around consumption and how I live have changed lots - more so than I'd appreciated on the surface. Some habits have just become ingrained so I don't notice so much!

But, I want to do lots more - lots. So, going to start doing some research and some thinking...and there's a germ of an idea around trying to find room in the garden for a veg patch!! Last time I grew veg was as a wee girl with my Dad - potatoes, rhubarb, runner beans and carrots were the staple culinary treasures each year...might be a good place to start again!

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