I wonder what these three will be up to in two years' time? Left to right: Robbie, Ophelia and Leo on a playdate together.

Today I complete 730 blipfoto journal entries. I actually began the journal in February 2008, so have missed about 100 or so days over the two years, something I regret now as it is so great to look back on past entries and remember the important and the more mundane events that have unfolded.

It's been an eventful time, with moments of sheer joy, such as The arrival of Ophelia last November and witnessing Grace's first steps the year before that.

Of course there have also been some worrying and terribly sad times, such as when we almost lost my elder brother to pneumonia and, worst of all, the sudden, unexpected loss of my Mam last August.

Special thanks today to brickmaker for making the fabulous two years brick for the occasion! Also thanks as always to Joe and the others who provide this amazing site. Thanks also to the community here. I may not be as active as I once was, with very sparse commenting (sorry), and the site has developed a whole load since the time I joined, but it is still a place I love to check in on every day. May we long carry on being excellent to each other.

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