A Steadier Footing

By thechoirvandal


like it was painted there.

p.s. - sorry i haven't posted like i should. i'll try to get better, i promise. a lame excuse would be that my camera isn't conducive to portability. It isn't a dSLR, so that is really a lame excuse. It is just a matter of dedication. and from here on out i will try to be dedicated. Let's call it a Fall Resolution. We'll see how long it lasts. (oh, and i hope you aren't sick of my pictures of the sky/clouds and treeline. i really do enjoy taking them. i find the sky majestic with both its infinite expanse and array of colors, patterns, and textures. with no two images ever exactly alike, it's mother nature's etch-a-sketch. well, anyway, that's all for now)

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