Christie's Daily Photo

By Christie

School Awards

It's hard to believe there is only one more day of school for Josie and Grant. This year has literally flown by!! Today was end-of-year awards ceremonies for both of them. Grant's was in the morning and unfortunately, I had a dentist appointment so I was unable to attend his. Doug and Jack went and watched him get his award for Most Improved Reader. It's hard to believe that he hated reading at the beginning of the year and now, at the end of third grade is reading at a 6th grade level. I am so proud of his achievements.

I was able to watch Josie's award assembly in the afternoon. Jack went with me, but ended up falling asleep through most of the awards. Josie received a Perfect Attendance award--pretty remarkable in my eyes-- heading off to school EVERY DAY this year. She also received an award for Honor Roll with High Honors, the Reading Award for her class, the Principal's Award AND an award for having the most points in the Accelerator Reading Program which came with a Borders Gift Card to pick out. . . MORE BOOKS! She really cleaned up in the awards; a nice treat for all her hard work this year.

Although they did quite well this year, they are both ready to be out for the summer.

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