Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Twinkle Twinkle

Lyra loves the Twinkle Twinkle page of her talking book - when she plays with the star it sings her favourite song and makes twinkly noises.

It seems funny to think I thought she would never learn to sit up less than a fortnight ago! She looks so grown up here compared to the first time I blipped her enjoying a good read.

I couldn't decide between this picture and one where I could glimpse the teenager she will one day become..


I've done lots of back blipping in the last day or so. It has made me fully appreciate how much you have all taught and encouraged me - my current photos certainly leave plenty of room for improvement but they are a million miles away from my rushed daily iPhone shots I took for the first few months of Lyra's life. So thanks for your help, advice, support and encouragement. I'm really enjoying it and even listed 'learning about child photography' as one of my current hobbies at our recent adoption assessment.

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