Rodents rule

By squirk

Farewell Boss Pig

I arrived home this evening and took the guinea pigs indoors, one by one. But the oldest guinea pig, Trick (the Boss Pig) didn't come to my call. She was curled up by the doorway to the run, guarding the other guinea pigs or simply looking out at the tasty grass as she passed over the Rainbow Bridge.

I'll miss her old bony frame and her bossy attitude, but I'm not too sad. She had a good death and a great, long life.

I buried Trick in the plant pot on the right under a geranium. Her partner, Truffle, who died in January, is buried under the azalea in the left plant pot. They're together in the garden again.

PS Can you spot one of the snail squadron in Truffle's azalea pot?

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