live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

Sebuah bunga..

This flower from me for Ibu Ainun Habibie and This poem is for Ibu Ainun Habibie wife of former President Mr BJ. Habibie who had died on may 22nd 2010 Saturday at 17:30 pm German time from your husband Mr. BJ. Habibie..

This is a farewell poem from Habibie to Ainun :

Actually this is not about death, not that.

Because, I know that everything would be gone in the end,

and death is something that is certain,

and this time it is your turn to go, I'm very aware of that.

But what struck me so great,

Is the fact that death can really be decided in a person's happiness, an instant, then it seems to be able to make me miserable as hell, my heart is like not in place, and my body felt empty, lost contents.

You know darling, it feels like the wind changed suddenly gone dry arid regions.

At this time the tears that fall, I insert a long goodbye,

At the fidelity which you have carved, on a bitter sweet memories for you there,

I'm not going complaint, but it was too minute you're here.

They thought I was good for you dear lover,

without them knowing it, that you're the one who made me a better lover.

You taught me loyalty, you taught me what love is, so I can love you like this.


You're from Him, and return to Him,

You were gone for me, and now again gone.

goodbye my dear,

light of my eyes, my soul Conditioning,

bon voyage,

my heavenly angel candidate ....

and this one from Habibi to Ainun too :
Seeds eternal love deposited in the heart of you and my heart, the owners of God. Love that is eternal and perfect. You and I, are of all time. The pleasure is soldered in all, in one mind and feelings.

*got all of this after reading the news on the internet a few days ago and today I can post all of this, I forgot to post all of this (poetry and that sweet words) after reading all of it a few days ago)*

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